Hi. I'm Theresa Tetley. I'm the "advice" for Lots of Dating Advice.com. I'm a Dating Coach for women, a Los Angeles-based life coach, a health and wellness coach, and an Abraham teachings/Law of Attraction/spiritual coach. If there is something you want, but can't seem to make happen in your life, I'm the "go-to" gal for first-rate help. I'm also the QUEEN of dating, which is why I'm also the "LOTS" in Lots of Dating Advice.com!
My story goes like this: I was boy crazy right out of the womb! I actually remember having a crush on Bob on Sesame Street. My mom said I used to kiss the TV when he came on and I wasn't even 2... And I subsequently had a crush on at least one or more boys in my class from kindergarten through college.
A lot of my girlfriends in high school and college had boyfriends, but didn't seem to have any answers as to why I didn't and they didn't have any methods for changing my single status. All they could say was, "You'll meet someone great someday." Not much consolation when you don't have a date for an important dance.
When I was 13, I checked out my very first book on self-hypnosis and psychology and I was hooked. By 16, I was regularly reading Psychology Today, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie and any kind of self-help/psychology I could get my hands on in order to be a better person, but it was all really to (hopefully) "fix myself" so that I could have a boyfriend.
Since that first foray into the self-help world, I've taken tons of courses, read hundreds of books, learned and tested numerous programs and have become an expert in the field of dating and relationships and, specifically, on how to create the life you desire with the Law of Attraction.
I've tried it ALL on myself first so I know what works!
As a dating coach and spiritual life coach, I can now use all of my skills, intuition, and expert knowledge about the Universal Law of Attraction, the Abraham-Hicks Processes, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Solution Training (also called Emotional Brain Training), NLP, Psych-K, the Sedona Method, muscle testing, and even nutrition and pH balancing, to help my clients create happy and fulfilling lives. I've read ALL of the books and done ALL of the programs so you don't have to!
I want you to understand that I've been through it all and I know what I'm talking about. I've been on no less than 400 dates in my lifetime (and I'm not even very old!). I've found the BEST processes and techniques for eliminating resistance, doubt, and even depression, healing a broken heart, finding ways to feel good so you'll "know" your ideal mate will show up, qualifying men, how to date effectively, how to gain self-confidence, how to manifest everything you've ever wanted and so much more.
I love the Law of Attraction and the teachings of Abraham (link opens in a new window). I love every process I can offer to help people feel better and manifest everything they want. I love Site Build It (link opens in new window), the all-encompassing website building and marketing program that is helping me (and tons of other entrepreneurs) create a successful website that people will derive value from.
One of my most favorite things about being a coach is helping someone find their "A-ha!" moment and I hope I can help you find yours on this site, or with private coaching. It feels really great to have a career and life I am passionate about.
Thanks for checking out my site and my About Me page. If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to Contact me. I'm here for you.
Happy Dating!

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