Or maybe a LOT of dating advice?
Had enough of boring dates, sitting home alone watching Tivo® with your cat, or going out with your friends when you would really rather be snuggling with your new boyfriend, but you haven't had a date in ages?
Wouldn't it be great if this was YOUR year to learn how to use the Law of Attraction for THE relationship you’ve always wanted?
Isn't it about time you discovered how to find true love with the man of your dreams AND how to stay happy and passionate together forever?
Well, welcome to my website. You've come to the right place!
LOTS OF DATING ADVICE is your online resource for LOTS of Dating and Relationship Tips, Dating Advice for Women, Free Love Advice, Creative Dating Ideas, PLUS how to use the Universal Law of Attraction for Love, so you can date successfully and attract your true love soulmate!
Call or chat with me now: your first 3 minutes are FREE at Ingenio
Hi, I'm Theresa Tetley. I'm a Dating Coach for women, a Los Angeles-based Life Coach and a Law of Attraction Coach.
I LOVE being IN LOVE and I want the world to feel happy and IN LOVE too. Oh yeah, and I LOVE giving dating advice. Lots of dating advice.
Listen, I know what it's like... You've probably already done Match.com and plowed through a bunch of guys and THAT didn't work. I know... been there, done that, got the t-shirt and sold it at a yard sale. Now it's time to check out my website. I've spent my life reading and testing nearly every dating and relationship book out there and I know what works!
I've also been studying the Law of Attraction and manifestation for years and discovered how to use it in every aspect of my life, including attracting tons of fun dates, love and amazing relationships in my life.
I want to help you do the same.
Unlike other dating websites, my site is designed to not only give you practical dating advice and tips, but to show you real world examples of how to harness the power of the universe to help you in manifesting your soulmate and creating the love you’ve always wanted.
You deserve it!
This site is going to help you:
- Identify what is standing in your way from receiving your true love soulmate right now (bet it's not what you think!)
- Create the picture of your ideal man and your ideal relationship and allow it to come to you easily with hardly ANY effort
- Learn how to use the power of the Law of Attraction to find the relationship of your dreams
- Learn how to weed out men quickly so you don't waste any of your precious time
- Learn what men want so you'll know how to be the kind of woman that gets noticed and has men saying "There's something about her..." that keeps them coming back for more
- Stop worrying about rejection and to bounce back quickly if you do get rejected and turn it into a positive
- Come up with fun, cheap, date ideas that inspire romance
- Learn how to use online dating to your advantage
- Discover how to get your needs met once you are in a relationship
- How to use my healthy dating and relationship tips for maintaining love, attraction and affection the rest of your life!
- This and soooooo much more!
I'm really excited to take you on the journey from being single to finally being in the amazing relationship of your dreams!
Now let's get started.
I've condensed this information into 10 Steps. It's best to go through them in order, but feel free to jump around if you are inspired to read something.
(All coming soon... I'm writing as fast as I can!)
1 - What is the Universal Law of Attraction and how does it fit in with dating advice for women?
2 - Are We Compatible - Defining Romantic Compatibility
3 - What Men Want - becoming someone that men will naturally be attracted to
4 - Self Improvement Ideas
5 – How to Use the Law of Attraction for Love
6 – How to Meet Men by taking inspired action
7 – Dating Tips and Etiquette
8 – Dating Myths and how to get over them
9 – Internet Dating Articles – a special section
10 – How to start a relationship off on the right foot
And some additional special sections:
- Relationship advice
- Break up advice

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Lots of Dating Advice
Table of Contents

- Lots of Dating Advice"Newest Stuff" Blog
- The Lots of Dating Advice "Newest Stuff" Blog keeps you up-to-date with all my favorite new Dating, Relatinship and Law of Attraction tidbits, as well as additions and changes to the site.
- Open for Questions: Ask the Coach for free love advice & relationship questions!
- Open for questions: need advice on Law of Attraction and relationships or love? Do you have dating or relationship questions? We welcome your comments and questions. Get your answers here...
- Need help finding love or letting go of a relationship? Contact the Dating Coach
- I can help you identify what you want, release the blocks you have to receiving it and start manifesting it right now -- in every area of your life! See my current online discount for new clients.
- What is the Law of Attraction? And what does LOA have to do with Dating Advice?
- What is the Law of Attraction? It's a universal law which simply says you get what you focus on. The Secret, the movie was missing important steps for manifesting your soulmate. Find out more here...
- Who is My Soulmate, Is Our Love Compatible, Compatibility Match
- Who is my soulmate? Start manifesting your soulmate NOW by creating your romantic compatibility list! Let the Law of Attraction find you love!
- 5 Love Languages, What's YOUR Love Language, Five Love Languages
- The 5 Love Languages is the best compatibility and relationship test to determine how you and your partner express love. Attract a true love AND compatible soulmate.
- Must Haves, Minimum Requirements for Dating, Compatible Partners
- Your Must Haves are your absolute minimum requirements for relationship, love and marriage compatibility with a partner over the long haul. Take this test to find yours.
- Dating and Relationship Deal Breakers - Know who NOT to date!
- Deal Breakers are important to know if you want a relationship and love with a compatible partner. What Dating Deal Breaker will you NOT put up with? Here's how to identify yours...
- Create YOUR True Love Soulmate Story - Attract Your Perfect Mate
- Writing a TRUE LOVE SOULMATE STORY is one of the best Law of Attraction and Relationship processes for manifesting your soulmate. Follow this piece of dating advice to learn how!
- What Men Want? What Do Men Find Attractive? Find out here.
- Do you know what men want in a relationship or what men find attractive? Learn how to be the woman that men say THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT HER with this piece of dating advice.
- Gaining Self Confidence and Overcoming Low Self Esteem
- Gaining self confidence will help you attract your true love soulmate, using the Law of Attraction, for a relationship. Learn the best self esteem building activities in this piece of dating advice.
- How to Attract a Man -- Make Yourself Worth Winning!
- Want to know how to attract a man? The answer is to make yourself worth winning. Check out the following dating advice article to become someone who has personal style, confidence, and who men value.
- How to Become Attractive, Find Your Personal Style, What Attracts Men
- Want to become attractive to men? What makes a woman attractive is her personal style and self confidence. Find out the best ways to be your magnetic, captivating self in this dating advice article.
- How to find your passion. What are YOU passionate about in your life?
- How to find your passion. What makes a woman attractive is her passion for life. Take the Passion Test and Learn more about finding your passion with this piece of dating advice.
- Are you a Cool Girl, Cool Woman, or Drama Queen? What makes a woman attractive?
- Cool Girl or Drama Queen? What do men want in a relationship, what do men find attractive, and what do men like? Check out these cool dating tips about what men want and find love with a cool guy.
- Being true to yourself. Do you want authentic success and honesty in dating?
- Being true to yourself and being authentic in dating is one of the top four traits that men find most attractive in a woman. Understand what men want -- honest women! Find out more here...
- How to Love Yourself, Ways to Boost Self Confidence, Positive Self Talk
- How to Love Yourself, gaining self confidence, what men find attractive... Learn how to love yourself so you can attract love with a compatible partner who will treat you like the treasure you are.
- Perfect body image, Body Image and Self Esteem, How to love the skin you're in!
- What is a perfect body image? We are bombarded with what the "ideal body image" should be. Learn how to love yourself by understanding how men think about our bodies - they love them and you can too!
- Dating and Relationship Books, Dating Advice for Women, Books on Dating
- Read reviews of popular Dating and Relationship Books. Found a great book or a time-waster? Let us know. All original submissions welcome.
- About Me: My Personal Story...
- I'm a Dating Coach for Women, Los Angeles-based Life Coach and Abraham Law of Attraction Coach. This is my personal story of how I came to be the "Advice " for Lots of Dating Advice.com.
- Privacy Policy for Lots of Dating Advice
- The Privacy Policy at Lots-of-Dating-Advice is to maintain the highest degree of privacy for our visitors. Information is used for internal purposes ONLY and will NEVER be sold or provided to anyone.
- Disclaimer and Terms of Service for Lots-of-Dating-Advice.com.
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